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Node Resizer ​

This is a resizer component for Vue Flow. It can be used to resize your nodes.

Installation ​

yarn add @vue-flow/node-resizer
# or
npm install @vue-flow/node-resizer
yarn add @vue-flow/node-resizer
# or
npm install @vue-flow/node-resizer

Usage ​

<script setup>
import { VueFlow } from '@vue-flow/core'
import initialElements from './initial-elements'

// some nodes and edges
const elements = ref(initialElements)

  <VueFlow v-model="elements" fit-view-on-init>
    <template #node-custom="nodeProps">
      <CustomNode :data="" :label="nodeProps.label" />
<script setup>
import { VueFlow } from '@vue-flow/core'
import initialElements from './initial-elements'

// some nodes and edges
const elements = ref(initialElements)

  <VueFlow v-model="elements" fit-view-on-init>
    <template #node-custom="nodeProps">
      <CustomNode :data="" :label="nodeProps.label" />
<script lang="ts" setup>
import { Handle, Position } from '@vue-flow/core'
import { NodeResizer } from '@vue-flow/node-resizer'

// make sure to include the necessary styles!
import '@vue-flow/node-resizer/dist/style.css'


  <NodeResizer min-width="100" min-height="30" />

  <Handle type="target" :position="Position.Left" />
  <div style="padding: 10px">{{ label }}</div>
  <Handle type="source" :position="Position.Right" />
<script lang="ts" setup>
import { Handle, Position } from '@vue-flow/core'
import { NodeResizer } from '@vue-flow/node-resizer'

// make sure to include the necessary styles!
import '@vue-flow/node-resizer/dist/style.css'


  <NodeResizer min-width="100" min-height="30" />

  <Handle type="target" :position="Position.Left" />
  <div style="padding: 10px">{{ label }}</div>
  <Handle type="source" :position="Position.Right" />

When enabled, these props allow you to pan on drag and zoom on scroll using the MiniMap.

Props ​

nodeIdNode to attach the resizer tostringtrueNode id from context
colorColor of the resizer linesstringtrue-
handleClassNameExtra class for the resize handlestringtrue-
handleStyleAdditional styles for the resize handleCSSPropertiestrue-
lineClassNameExtra class for the resize linesnumbertrue-
lineStyleAdditional styles for the resize linesstringtrue-
isVisibleForce visibility of resizerbooleantruetrue
minWidthMin width of the resizer (can't resize below this value)numbertrue-
minHeightMin height of the resizer (can't resize below this value)numbertrue-

Emits ​


Released under the MIT License.